Get the latest The Amazing Spider-Man 2 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC). has all you need to win every game you play! Note: This procedure involves editing game files; create a backup copy of the files before proceeding. If you have not saved the game yet, start a new game and play until you can do so. Use a text editor to edit the 'game' file in the ' spider-man 2 system' folder that corresponds to your saved game. Make the following changes. Speed,jump,health,powerpunch hack:D go to and download Trainer Title: Spider-Man 2 (+5 Trainer).
Load the 'Raid On Oscorp' mission. Proceed through the mission until you leave the air vents, and a cutscene will begin, which can be skipped. Stealth kill four enemies, and then disposed of the final enemy as desired. After defeating the last enemy, pause the game. Select the 'Restart' option, then choose 'Yes' to restart from the last checkpoint, which is where you leave the air vents. Repeat this process until you reach the desired suit level. Note: The max suit level is 8.
Bonus costumesSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume. To change costumes, go to Peter Parker's closet at Aunt May's home. Open the 'Wardrobe' menu to cycle through the available costumes.
Search the indicated locations to find all 10 Black Cat journal audio logs and get the 'Lover' achievement. Note: All the other audio logs are not needed for any achievements in the game, and can be ignored. Five of Black Cat's journals can be found during Story missions. The other five are hidden in the open world. If you fully upgrade your Spider-Sense, they will be highlighted on the mini-map when you get close to them. Pause the game, and select the 'Messages' tab to see exactly which logs have been found. Each journal has its own number, allowing you to keep track of which ones are missing.
Easy 'Aerial Break' achievementShortly after the 'The Kingpin Of Crime!' mission begins, you will encounter the first armored enemy in the game. You will be given a short text tutorial. Keep disabling an enemy's armor until all the yellow heavy armor disappears. Then, attack with a standard Web-Strike to get the 'Aerial Break' achievement. Note: You do not have to kill the enemy with the Web-Strike.
Easy 'Friendly Fire' achievementDuring the Carnage Boss fight in the 'Maximum Carnage' mission, you can activate levers around the room to release a burst of fire near them. This must be done in the second half of the Boss fight, after Cletus Kasady turns into Carnage. Simply stand under the levers, wait for Carnage to get close to you, and pull them. When Carnage jumps up the wall, activate all the levers around the room and hit him with a Seismic Blast to make him fall down into the fire. Do this three times to get the 'Friendly Fire' achievement.
You can easily achieve a combo streak of 42 during the combat challenges, which can be started at the arcade machine in Stan's Comic Book Store (marked with a blue book-symbol on your map). Simply keep attacking the last remaining enemy of a round with the Web-Strike attack (RB). The Web-Strike does not actually do any damage, allowing you to keep using the move until you have reached the 42 streak combo to get the 'I'm On A Roll!' achievement.
Easy 'Sneaky' achievementThere are five Russian hideouts in the game, and they are displayed with a purple eye-symbol on your map. They will appear automatically after making some progress in the story. Go to the southern most hideout, as it is very easy and quick to complete. Once you are inside, web-rush to the ceiling, and you should see the target below (a container with a new suit). Simply defeat the nearby guards, then go to the container to complete the hideout. You must ensure the awareness level (the bar in the top left corner of the screen) remains at zero to get the 'Sneaky' achievement. If you raise your awareness level, pause the game, and choose to restart. The hideouts disappear once you have completed them.
Steam achievementsSuccessfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select 'Community', 'My profile', 'View all my games', then the game and view stats.