PlayStation 2 (PS2) cheats, cheat codes, guides, unlockables, easter eggs, glitches, hints, and more. has more content than anyone else to help you win all PlayStation 2 (PS2) games! With thousands of cheats, hints and guides for PS2 games, we cover a wide range of racing, first person shooter, sporting games, and everything else.
Play as Slim JimAt the rider selection screen in pro quest mode, press Down(2), Left, Right, Up(2), Y to unlock Slim Jim. Alternately, successfully complete the game with any rider to unlock a bonus bike and Slim Jim. -From:
Play as Amish BoySuccessfully complete the game with Dave Mirra, Ryan Nyquist, Joey Garcia, Troy McMurray, Mike Laird, Chad Kagy, Tim Mirra, Kenan Harkin, Shaun Butler, and Leigh Ramsdell to unlock Amish Boy. -From:
At the level selection screen in pro quest mode, press Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Y to unlock all levels. -From:
All bikesAt the bike selection screen in pro quest mode, press Up, Left, Up, Down, Up, Right, Left, Right, Y to unlock all bikes. Note: Each time a new bike is selected this code will have to be re-entered. -From:
All stylesAt the style selection screen in pro quest mode, press Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Y to unlock all styles. Note: Each time a new bike is selected this code will have to be re-entered. -From:
Big crashesSuccessfully complete the game with Leigh Ramsdell to unlock the big crash option at the cheat screen.
Sticky crashesSuccessfully complete the game with Kenan Harkin to unlock the sticky crash option at the cheat screen.
Silly gruntsSuccessfully complete the game with Tim Mirra to unlock the silly grunt option at the cheat screen.
Successfully complete the game with Mike Laird to unlock the first person view option at the cheat screen.
Ghost riderSuccessfully complete the game with Joey Garcia to unlock the ghost rider option at the cheat screen. /smoking-guns-game-cheats.html.
Exorcist modeSuccessfully complete the game with Troy McMurray to unlock the exorcist option at the cheat screen.
Bike suspension modeSuccessfully complete the game with Chad Kagy to unlock the bike suspension option at the cheat screen.
Night vision modeSuccessfully complete the game with Shaun Butler to unlock the night vision option at the cheat screen.
Successfully complete the game with Dave Mirra.
Ryan Nyquist FMV sequenceSuccessfully complete the game with Ryan Nyquist.
Successfully complete the game with Slim Jim.
Development team FMV sequenceSuccessfully complete the game with Amish Boy.
Unlock All Cheats | 19945CB1 000000FF |
Unlock All Characters | 76ADD922 00000C03 |
Unlock Dave Mirra Movie | 917840D7 0000007F |
Unlock Ryan Nyquist Movie | A3131BAE 0000007F |
Unlock Amish Boy Movie | 80B3C73D 0000007F |
Dave Mirra Codes | |
Unlock All Levels | 6DDB21C2 0000000C |
Unlock All Bikes | 292729C6 00000005 |
Unlock All Outfits | FFCDDCA6 00000005 |
Gold Medal in Sleepy's Ditch | 9CBC40C8 00000003 |
Gold Medal in Eastwood | A2AB1BAE 00000003 |
Gold Medal in San Jose | C307ADC7 00000003 |
Gold Medal in Dirt | 8853C73F 00000003 |
Gold Medal in Street | A3571BAE 00000003 |
Gold Medal in Vert | B3CE70B2 00000003 |
Ryan Nyquist Codes | |
Unlock All Levels | 6DDB21C2 0000000C |
Unlock All Bikes | 292729C6 00000005 |
Unlock All Outfits | 2393297A 00000005 |
Gold Medal in Sleepy's Ditch | A7571BAE 00000003 |
Gold Medal in Eastwood | B7CE70B2 00000003 |
Gold Medal in San Jose | D944C9E0 00000003 |
Gold Medal in Dirt | D958C9E0 00000003 |
Gold Medal in Street | F79DDCB9 00000003 |
Gold Medal in Vert | 119C5CAE 00000003 |